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Magret au Beurre Bordier à la Framboise

Our Recipes

Raspberry Butter Duck Filet


4 people

The ingredients

• 6 shallots
• Raspberry vinegar
• Saint-Nicolas de Bourgueil red wine
• Sugar
• Salt
• Pepper
• 600 g / 21 oz. potatoes
• 1 egg white
• Olive oil
• Thyme
• Rosemary
• 2 duck filets
• 125 g / ½ cup Bordier raspberry Butter
• Fresh raspberries

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Place 6 medium sliced shallots in a small nonstick saucepan. Pour in a good tablespoonful of the raspberry vinegar, then around 4cm / 1 ½ inches of the red wine to cover the shallots. Add 1 ½ sugar cubes, a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil, then lower the heat and reduce until it turns into a moist compote in the bottom of the saucepan. Set aside.

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Wash and dry the potatoes, unpeeled. Cut in 4 and plunge them into a mixture of 1 egg white, 2 tbls. olive oil and rosemary in a large bowl. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C / 400°F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread out the potatoes. Bake 30-40 min. turning them 3 or 4 times. After 20 minutes, score the duck filets in a crisscross pattern on the fatty side and fry in a large pan, fatty side down, over a medium heat to melt the fat.

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When the fat has reduced by half, turn the filets over to mark their meaty side for 4 to 5 minutes, then turn them over once again for 8 to 12 minutes to order, pink on the inside being the best for us. Once cooked, place on a plate and cover in aluminum foil.

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Reheat the shallot-red wine compote and fold in 125g / ½ cup Bordier raspberry butter, cubed. Season the sauce and to taste. You may slice your duck filets, preferably thinly and at a slant. Plate the duck on one side, the baked potatoes on the other, sprinkling them with fleur de sel. Serve the Bordier raspberry Butter between the duck and the potatoes. Garnish with a few fronds of fresh thyme and some fresh raspberries.

Maison Bordier: 4 professions

Artisan Butter Maker & Cheese Ripener,
in our workshops, we cultivate a taste for the finest raw materials, inspired by the best that nature has to offer.

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