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Bordier Butter & Caviar

Grass-fed milk and French caviar
Beurre de baratte remalaxé

Notes of cream from Bordier Butter versus the power of the aromas of Neuvic Caviar


Encounter with a French caviar producer, 2019

The cream and hazelnut notes of Bordier Butter remain very present against the power of the aromas of Neuvic Caviar. The texture is
silky on the palate. Bordier Butter is made with 28% pure salt caviar without additives or preservatives.


Ingredients :Unsalted kneaded Bordier Butter, Caviar (sturgeon roe (FISH), salt), Salt) Colouring: charcoal


Storage advice: Store at +2°C / +6°C


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Beurre Bordier et Caviar

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