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Naan au Beurre Bordier à l’Ail des Ours et Poivre de Kampot, raïta aux légumes croquants

Our Recipes

Naam Bread with Bordier Wild Garlic and Kampot Pepper Butter and a Crunchy Vegetable Raita


4 people

The ingredients

Naan :

• 250g flour
• 100g plain Bordier yoghurt
• 5g yeast
• 20g safflower / rapeseed oil
• 50g hot water
• 50g Bordier Wild Garlic Butter

Raïta :
• 200g Bordier fromage blanc
• 1 pinch cumin
• 1 drizzle olive oil
• A few drops of lemon juice
• 1 tbls chopped coriander
• 1 tbls chopped mint
• 50g carrots, cubed
• 50g cucumber, cubed
• 50g radishes, cubed

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Mix the ingredients for the Naam and knead until the dough is homogenous. Let rise in a warm place for 2 hours. Divide the dough up into 8 parts, then roll each out to become a disk (12cm in diameter). Cook on a hot pan. Melt the Bordier Wild Garlic Butter and pour into a ramequin.

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Mix all of the ingredients for the raita and serve in a serving cup. Decorate with a frond of cilantro. You may plate the Naam bread, the raita, and the ramequin of Bordier Wild Garlic Butter all together.

Maison Bordier: 4 professions

Artisan Butter Maker & Cheese Ripener,
in our workshops, we cultivate a taste for the finest raw materials, inspired by the best that nature has to offer.

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Bordier Butter

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Cheese refiner

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Creamery products

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Grocery products

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